Hope you like them!
This is not a formula for instant nausea. There is no need to panic. I would just like to tell you about two different things I have been doing lately. Let me first tell you about the “ Warm Eggs” part. This a tip for when you are making cookies: When I make my chocolate chip cookies, I always leave the eggs that I will be using in the recipe out so that they become room temperature. For some reason, this makes the cookies you are making to be light and fluffy. Before I learned the egg trick, my cookies were as hard as a rock and as flat as a pancake, until now! Now my horror cooling in the oven has turned into light fluffy cloud cookies, which equals to “brownie points” for me, coming from my family.
The other thing I would like to tell you about would be the “roller coaster” part of my title. Where I have to build one. For school. Whoa.
I have an assignment for school to build my own “roller coaster.” We have been studying how roller coasters work in science. The roller coaster I am building will be done in a very tiny fashion. As in a marble will barely fit to roll down the track. I am going to have some assistants help me, though. There is nothin’ like a helping hand! As I rolled on down to Office Max to make some copies of the blueprint to build the coaster, I couldn’t help but think, “ How in the whole wide world am I going to do this???” I had glanced at the directions a couple of times, but never read through them completely. Let me describe how, even in the short glances I had, how I could sum up the blueprint. CONFUSING!
< just to let you know, that is NOT the roller coaster I am building, this is just and example of a roller coaster.
Anyway, I will most likely take a picture of the hopefully on-time and finished assignment. Oh, and Novacom still hasn’t come yet. It was supposed to come yesterday. I wish could make a magic button to speed up FedEx deliveries. There is always a first time for everything.
Your Author,
Ever since I was young younger, I would help my mom with stuff. Like “making” dinner with her, “helping” with laundry, etc. Well, recently, I have been helping her a lot on the technical side of things. Even when I was 8 years old, I would show mom how to use features on her phone. It was kind of funny. I have worked my way up from helping her with cell phones. Now it’s computers. My family calls me the tech geek of the family. I learned how to operate computers by earning up for one with my brother, and working on it by trial and error. On one of my recent blog posts, you found me talking about earning up for a MacBook Pro because Apple is so direct and simple.
Anyway, I have been helping my mom out with her blog (on my Dell). I was working with her about 5 minutes ago by making her favicon square. Man. Favicons are really annoying. Really. Mom chose a favicon for her blog, (which is that icon looking thing some people have that is right by the web address for whatever website you are visiting).
On Blogger, at least, when you want to have a personalized favicon for your
weblog, it always has to be square. Well, Mom found a favicon that suited her blog and style, but it wasn’t square. Goody. I love a challenge. I pulled up the Paint program on my computer, and pasted the favicon image over. I had to resize the image by clicking on Resize, then had to figure out sizing nonsense for a while. Bummer. With all that said and done, I figured it out. Finally. I then transferred it to Blogger and… it hasn’t popped up yet. Bummer again. Well, it takes about a day or so. I guess I’ll be waiting. Thus the technical assistant carries on in her never-ending
wadingwaffling through the technical world.
Ok, so you who read my blog know that I have been posting a lot about adventures in odyssey. Well, at my house, the adventures in odyssey radio is on almost all the time. If Focus on the Family has a counter for how many people visit their whitsend.org website, it probably has gone up a little bit. = ) Especially while I am feeding Levi his baby food.
My mom said that Focus on the Family should have me paying rent to be on their website, because I go there so often. He he. Ha ha. Very funny. But, I have also found out that Focus on the Family has a website now called radiodrama.com that has radio drama episodes about books of the bible, important events in history, most common family issues, and much more. One of my good friends old me about it. I am going to might listen to a seven part series biography on Dietrich Bonheoffer today. Maybe.
SO, I might be a little obsessed with AIO. A little. Tell me what you like to do when you are bored. Maybe I am not alone. Maybe.
Your Author,
Well, yesterday I finished earning up for my Novacom saga, and I came downstairs and asked my mom if I could order it. She then turned around and said, “ Actually, your aunt is ordering it for you as a late Christmas present, so you can keep the money you earned!” I was so excited! Now, I am counting the days until I get the saga. I can’t wait!!! The money I earned is going toward my savings for my own laptop. I am earning up for a MacBook Pro. It will most likely take me the whole summer to earn up for the laptop because I want the laptop for the new school year. I am going to wait for the new OS X Mountain Lion to come out for it, also.
Please give me your suggestions to whether or not I should get a Mac. I have been using Dell computers for a while, and I was a faithful follower of Dell, until I went exploring on the Apple website. Wow. I showed some videos to my parents of tutorials on how to use the software for Apple, and my parents love it. Apple explains things much better, and the appearance of their programs and displays are much more cleaner than Dell. The only downside to Apple is the cost. Like $1,800 for a laptop. But, I found out that there is a homeschool discount… and guess what? I am homeschooled! Anyway, I will let you know how everything works out. I will definitely take pictures of the Novacom box and stuff too! See ya!
Your Author,