Autograph Line Videos

Here you go! Play these in order. I had to break them up because Blogger couldn't upload the whole thing at once. 

Sorry. My Dad took the rest on his phone. here tis:

Vacation Day No. 3

Well, this is the day for me that was the most exciting. Let me start from the beginning…
5:45   Alarm goes off, I role (very) quickly out of bed. It’s the big day!
6:00 Done with my shower, and eating breakfast
6:30 Play with Levi
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7:15  Look up directions for my dad. (It would have been horrible if we had gotten lost!)
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7:45 Play more with Levi
8:30 Wait nervously.
8:45 Start getting packed up and headed out the door.
9:15 We’re on the road!
9:50 Arrival at the Irving Bible Church. Wow!
9:55 Stand with Odyssey cut-outs!
10:00 Find us some seats!
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10:02 Luke and I get our picture taken with a fabric Mr. Whittaker. : )
10:05 I am sitting three feet away from Brock Eastman!
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10:10 Declare we came all the way from Virginia in a “ How far did you come?” contest.
10:20 The show finally starts!
11:30 The show is over, and my awesome father leaves the show early ( 1/2 hour) to get in line for the autograph session. ( I love my dad!)
11:45 We get in line… a long line!
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12:00 We are third in line!
12:05  We make it up the autograph tables, and who do I bump into, but Mr. Paul McCusker! I actually got to have him autograph the book I brought that he wrote!!!!!!!!!!! And now, I shall have to show you this video of us at the autograph line! Luke really hit it off with Jess Harnell!
 The video will be in my next post



Game Page Update/Back to School:

Hello there! Things have been soooooo busy lately! I can't believe that my little brother Levi is a year old, and my older brother, Luke, is going into middle school!
This is making me feel old. : )
I have been so sidetracked lately, I haven't been keeping up with my blog posts. Getting ready for school, watching Levi, keeping up with the times with the summer reading program at our library; it's all flown by! What I have done though, is  added a couple more things to my Game Page. Careful, there might be a spider lurking in the corners of your screen when you play! : ) Just to let you gamers know what Luke's high score is on the Ball-Drop game, it's 210!

So, tell me how you all have been doing? I am going to put up a poll about how everyone is feeling about starting school. I am nervous/excited because of starting highschool, but I enjoy school itself. Leave a comment if you want to tell me how you are feeling about starting school. Good luck to all!

It's Back to School!

Vacation- Day #2

Well, once we got settled into our nice little rental apartment, which fit us all perfectly, we chilled with some friends (see the link that shows you what my mom did on Friday) that had moved down to Texas to go to the Dallas Theological Seminary. We all had a blast together! We also made MANY visits to the pool! Friday was our day for catching up, unpacking, and sorting out what we were going to do for the rest of the week!

I , unlike the rest of my family, was focusing on making a VERY  detailed planning for the next day Smile: the day we all go to the Adventures in Odyssey Birthday Bash! My next post will tell you all about it!

So, we all had fun just hanging out, and “slacking” while we caught up with our friends, and Luke and I helped with their kiddos a bit.

The AIO Birthday Bash? … well, I’ll have to tell you tomorrow. Winking smile

Until then,
