Novacom Part 2! … and Computer Questions

Well, yesterday I finished earning up for my Novacom saga, and I came downstairs and asked my mom if I could order it. She then turned around and said, “ Actually, your aunt is ordering it for you as a late Christmas present, so you can keep the money you earned!” I was so excited! Now, I am counting the days until I get the saga. I can’t wait!!! The money I earned is going toward my savings for my own laptop. I am earning up for a MacBook Pro. It will most likely take me the whole summer to earn up for the laptop because I want the laptop for the new school year. I am going to wait for the new OS X Mountain Lion to come out for it, also.

OS X Lion

Please give me your suggestions to whether or not I should get a Mac. I have been using Dell computers for a while, and I was a faithful follower of Dell, until I went exploring on the Apple website. Wow. I showed some videos to my parents of tutorials on how to use the software for Apple, and my parents love it. Apple explains things much better, and the appearance of their programs and displays are much more cleaner than Dell. The only downside to Apple is the cost. Like $1,800 for a laptop. But, I found out that there is a homeschool discount… and guess what? I am homeschooled! Anyway, I will let you know how everything works out. I will definitely take pictures of the Novacom box and stuff too! See ya!

Your Author,


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